Monday, May 18, 2015

4/30/15 Bednar and Rome


Well this week has been fun but I'll start with last week. Last week we went and did and exchange in Reggio Calabria. It was super fun but it takes like 3 hours to get there and they needed a ton of Books of Mormon for this missionary activity that they are doing so me and my comp had to carry two boxes of Books of Mormon from Sicily to the main land and we walked like 10 miles with them. They weighed like 40 pounds a piece. It was quite the trip. As a plus though, the best gelato in all of Italy is found there on their lungo mare and it was soooooooo good. We did a thing called gesso where we write on a sheet some questions or maybe draw the plan of salvation and then we talk to people that pass by on the street!! It was very succesful for them plus they needed some work so it was a lot of fun.

Then this week was crazy!! Monday we went early to help a member clean up this new area for their house and paint a little bit then, we had to sprint home and get changed so that we could meet up with the rest of the zone to go to the Conference in Rome. My comp and I were running all over the place trying to make sure everyone was at the Airport on time and everyone had forgotten to take certain items out of their carry on's but they didn't want to throw them away so we made one last run to the airport with the car, picked up all of their stuff, went back home and put it away and then we walked 35 min to the station where we got a bus to the airport so we didn't have to pay for parking and we finally got there 35 min before the plane took off. The plane was a little bit late, luckily, because when we got there they told us if it hadn't been late then they would have already closed up. Afterwords we finally got there and everything went smooth. Getting to the Hotel/mission Villa where we all stayed was crazy as well but it all worked out well. 

Then we had the conference. It was soooo special having and Apostle of God in the room with us. He made it very clear that the conference was not about Ipads. haha He taught us so much and I wish I could explain it all but most of it was done by his example. He taught us with the spirit and was very specific in not playing the "guess what's in my head" game that many teachers play, and making sure that every question he asked wasn't searching for a specific answer getting in the way of the learners. It was funny as he explained the fact that those types of questions drag the spirit away because when you ask bad questions searching for specific answers, especially when asked by an apostle, you brain freezes up even if you might know the answer. You just freeze up and it takes away from the learning process. It was really a cool experience. He taught us many other amazing and great things, that I won't go into now but it was really amazing!! This is just the first one that comes to mind. 

Then yesterday we had another conference and we flew home yesterday evening! Overall it was a great week and I feel very edified. The work of the Lord is going forward with this work. technology is going to chance the work of the Lord and He has made it for His purposes. It was great getting to shake his hand and speak with him. I have such a huge testimony of living day prophets and their role. I know that He is and apostle of the Lord and I sustain him as a prophet, seer, and revelator. This is the Lord's work and He guides it!! thanks for all of your help and love!! I hope you all have such a great week!!

Anziano Passantino

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