Monday, May 18, 2015


Dear Family,

How is everything going? I hope you each had a great Easter Sunday as we had the chance to reflect on our gratitude for our Savior Jesus Christ's Atonement and Resurrection for all mankind. This week has been a little bit strange but really good. We were in the church literally the entire day on Easter watching conference with a different croud each time but we were happy to be there. In Italy Pasquetta is another HUGE holidy which is the day after Easter and we did a big deep cleaning of our appartment and then at the end of the day we went and ate with a member who gave us TONS AND TONS of food. We had 5 different types of meat, with pasta, tree types of cake, and salad fruit and pretty much everything you can think of. It was a 7 course meal and the family fed 23 guests haha it was quite the cite. 

I loved all of the talks given in General Conference. For those of you who didn't get the chance to watch it or don't know what it is I would invite you to take a little time to do so. I have had the chance to be grateful for modern day prophets and for my Savior who gave His life that I may live. I know He lives, that He is willing to bless us as we follow His grand invitation to follow Him. I pray that more and more people will accept His invitation and feel of the joy and peace that comes with it. 

We have been extremely blessed this week. I wish it was possibly to truely show to all of you how happy it makes me to share this gospel with others. The knowledge that NOBODY is beyond the reach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ as he reaches to save us from our trials, sicknesses, pains,and mistakes. This principle was taught so wonderfully by Elder Holland this weekend. Although nobody spoke directly about it, I was taught and testifyed to by the spirit about the importance of hearts/desires. This is only possible through the power of the Spirit and this means that we must always live worthy of it. Anything that leads us not to feel the spirit or disobey it's promptings is very dangerous and we deprive us of the opportunity to bless our lives but more importantly the lives of others. I wish I could adequately describe in this short amount of time the blessings that come as we follow the spirit and the blessings we see as the Lord guides our lives in EVERY moment. We have the chance to be a saving hand in the lives of others if we are worthy of and follow boldly, as it says in PMG, the promptings of the spirit. 

I love this gospel and this work. I love you all.

Anziano Passantino

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