Monday, December 8, 2014


Family and Friends,

We have had a great week here this week and we have really been blessed and edifyed. 
This past Friday we were able to witness the baptisms of both A****** and V****** here in Caserta. They are both very strong and we are grateful for the chance that we have had to teach them. They have actually taught us a lot in return which is one of the many paradoxes of the mission. As we teach others we also learn not only from them but through the spirit. Without the spirit it is impossible to learn at the level we need to grow spiritually. After the they received the Holy Ghost I asked them how the felt, V said he felt very strange and I asked him what he meant by that. He went on to explain about how for the first time in his life he had zero negative thoughts and that they were all positive. He also felt happier and more calm than ever before. This was such a big deal for him because he sufferes from Anxiety problems and for the first time he wasn't having those feelings while passing through a very big step in his life. I am grateful for the help that the Lord gives to His children to pass through the difficult trials we face in this life. I know that thorugh the Atonement of Christ we can recieve exterior help to be empowered to day and say things that we would not have been able to do or say on our own. He never leaves us down here alone and I know that He also speaks to Apostles and Prophets today that live and guide us,as they so elequently did this weekend, and teach us the path we must follow to one day return and live with Him. 
Something that has given me much comfort and joy in the past few months as been the invite by the Savior to "take up [our] cross and follow me." I know that as we do this He gives us the comfort and help that we need to overcome trials in this life and my testimony of this grew this past weekend as the prohpets and apostles taught and instructed us on how we can do our duty better or how we can "take up [our] cross daily" as Luke adds. 
The greatest testimony of which I had added upon this past weekend would best be summarized in the words of James as he said "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself uspotted from the world" I heard many different admonitions on the importance of helping others and most importantly following the two great commandments. Alll things taught this past weekend, in my opinion, could be summed up in the fact that we must love others, and most importantly, our God. I know this to be true and am grateful the the spirit testifyed of this to me this week!! I hope you have a great week!!

Anziano Passantino

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