Monday, May 18, 2015


Family and Friends,

Well this is going to be a short email for a few reasons. First, I just emailed on Thursday so not a lot has happened. Second, I get to talk to the Fam this week!!!:)

The last few days have been kind of slow. Coming back after an amazing conference up in Rome it as been a little bit slow trying to get back into the swing of things but we had many miracles. For example, we had an entire family ,who want to know more about the church, that came to church on Sunday. That is amazing and I feel like it was such an amazing miracle after what might have seemed like a slow week. Also my comp did his skype home on Saturday so that he could see his brother open his mission call! He is going to Madrid Spain and so that was a cool experience for him. 

Other than that I just want to tell everyone at home that I love you guys. Last night I had a very special experience that helped strengthen my testimony a lot. I have been focused a lot on something that my Mom has always taught me, by example and through her scripture study, and that is the importance of the heart. I have been reflecting a lot on many of the people that I have met on my mission whether missionaries or members of people who want to know more about the church, and I have always grown close and become friends with those who's heart are in the right place. I feel like it is so easy to get caught up in the outside picture or the way we see peoples outward achievements or appearance. Sometimes we do things to have those outward achievements or to be recognized outwardly and we might even do good things for that but that isn't what the Lord wants. He just wants our hearts. We just need to do the right things for the right reasons or else doing the right thing doesn't have much valor. It doesn't mean as much. I testify that the Lord needs us to give our hearts to Him by doing His work not for the outward recognition but because our only desire is to serve Him. It is just another LARGE step on our way to become more like Him and return to live with Him.

I know that I have a lot to work on in this sense but I feel like I understand better my role and what I need to be doing. Even though there are many trials happening right now in our lives, the Lord knows where our hearts are and He can change us to make us better!! I hope we can all look inside and figure out where our hearts are and where we need to go to be better. I love you all and I testify that God's Plan is PERFECT and we need not worry but we must have faith!! I love you all and can't wait until I get to speak with my fam next sunday!!

Anziano Passantino

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